If you are struggling to pay the bills or already behind with your loans, you are not alone. Financial Rights specialises in helping people in financial stress. Choose a topic below to find fact sheets and sample letters, with options to manage your debts. Know when to contact us for free financial counselling or legal help.
Have you have been forced into taking loans you don’t need or can’t afford? Let us help you untangle yourself from debts in your name that are not yours.
Choose from the fact sheets below to help understand the options to manage your situation. Even where there are joint loans or debts in your name that were taken out as a result of economic abuse or without your knowledge – you still have options. Call Financial Rights for free financial counselling or legal help.
Insurance can help Australians get back on their feet after extreme weather events, accidents, crime, illness or the death of a loved one. When things go wrong people are often traumatised, and find it hard to understand or assert their legal rights. When insurance works as expected it can be the path to recovery. Choose from the topics below to find fact sheets to help you answer your insurance questions and concerns.
Have you suffered damage to your home, contents or motor vehicles after an extreme weather event? Whether you have been affected by a cyclone, bushfire, hailstorm, earthquake or flood, Financial Rights has information that can assist with insurance questions and related disputes. Choose from the fact sheets below for legal information, advice and assistance.
We are a free nationwide legal advice and financial counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We have information about things like Money Problems, Debt or Insurance & Super to help you understand your rights and know when to call us.