Instructions to users:
None of your answers are stored, so your privacy is secure.
If you have any questions about how or when to use this letter or if you need advice before completing it, please call our Insurance Law Service on 1300 663 464 for legal advice. Or call 1800 007 007 for financial counselling advice.
Step 1: Use this letter to complain about a breach of the code
- Use this letter if you would like to complain about the behaviour of an insurance company.
- Once completed you should email this letter to Code Compliance using their email address: Code Compliance investigates alleged breaches of codes of practice.
- If you would like to read the General Insurance Code of Practice on the Insurance Council of Australia website. The Life Insurance Code of Practice is available on the Financial Services Council website.
Important Note: If this complaint is about your own insurance policy and you have an outstanding dispute with your insurer (including about delay in deciding your claim) you should also consider lodging a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority – for details on lodging a complaint read our Insurance Complaints to AFCA fact sheet. Lodging a complaint with Code Compliance may impact on the insurer’s future conduct but it will not resolve your dispute.
Step 2: Complete the questions below
- Answer the questions below to customise your letter.
- Click the Preview Letter button below. You will be prompted if there is missing information.
- To make changes to your answers, use the Click here to change your selections feature, on the preview letter page.
Step 3: Copy & Paste the letter into your email program and send it to
- Copy & paste the letter into your email or a Word document.
- You can make other changes but be careful about changing the auto-generated content – get advice first.
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Last updated: October 2018.