Instructions to users:
None of your answers are stored, so your privacy is secure.
If you have any questions about how or when to use this letter or if you need advice before completing it, please call our Insurance Law Service on 1300 663 464 for legal advice. Or call 1800 007 007 for financial counselling advice.
Step 1: Read our fact sheet
- This sample letter is for people who owe a debt to an insurance company that they cannot pay as a result of a motor vehicle accident for which they were not insured.
- If that is your situation you should also read our Car Accident when Uninsured fact sheet.
You should only use this letter if the following are true:
- You were at fault for the accident and you admit you owe money to the insurer.
- You cannot afford to pay anything to the insurer (if you can afford something, use the Offer to Pay Insurance Debt sample letter instead).
- You can prove that you are in financial hardship, and you have evidence to attach to this letter (if you have no evidence of your financial hardship, you should see a free financial counsellor. Call the National Debt Helpline on call 1800 007 007)
Please note that if you have real estate or other valuable assets you are unlikely to be released from a debt.
This letter should be used for information only and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Step 2: Find the correct address to send this letter to your insurer
You will need to send this request to the insurer’s complaints department contact. Find the insurer’s complaint department details from the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) ‘find a financial firm’ web page or you can phone AFCA on 1800 931 678 to ask for the insurer’s internal dispute resolution contact details.
Step 3: Complete the questions below
- Answer the questions below to customise your letter.
- Click the Preview Letter button below. You will be prompted if there is missing information.
- To make changes to your answers, use the Click here to change your selections feature, on the preview letter page.
Step 4: Copy & Paste the letter into your email or Word program, and send it!
- Copy & paste the letter into your email or a Word document.
- You can make other changes but be careful about changing the auto-generated content – get advice first.
- Email or post the letter to the insurer.
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Last updated: July 2019.